Hurghada, Egypt Vacation

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During February 2003, we spent two weeks in Hurghada, Egypt on vacation and I finally put my travel report online. We also have 379 photos from the vacation online as well the rest of our photo album. Unfortunately, this wasn't out best vacation and I cannot really recommend Hurghada to anybody!

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Thank you for a great site, it is truly superb reading :-)

While I am here, if anyone is going to Bali, Indonesia, may I please ask them to avoid Bali Discovery Tours of Sanur as they filed a false police complaint against my friend just because he works for a competitor of theirs (and because he caught them cheating on hotel rates). If you know anything about how corrupt and nasty the police are in Bali, you will understand. My friend was released without charge after 3 days, and had his illegally confiscated passport returned. It is a disgrace for such a beautiful island. Shame on Indonesia.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on mars 23, 2003 4:05 EM.

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