Long day...

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I have had a rather long day where the main part has been around my on going management education. Today's sessions was primarily around the reorganization of the University but I felt rather out of it. I woke up at 0645 with a bad stomach and that has haunted me all day. The end of the session was spent in our 6-group (that is currently diminished to 5 persons as one person has gotten ill again in cancer (again) and is currently undergoing treatment), and that felt very good.

During the morning I also found out that the department will get a very large extra "tax" because of a person leaving my division. This will of course affect our financial bottom line this year to the negative. I will most likely write more about this later. This extra "tax" made me rather depressed as it is a cost that was decided by top-management (the President) but the department/division has to pay for it. :-/ The rest of the evening has been around tons of emails with the person in question (all local can guess who).

I also had a long and very good discussion with my friend Kåre Synnes about everything. That felt very good that we got this chance to talk.

Yet another cancer case ended today where a person I have worked somewhat with over the past years passed away today. May she rest in peace!!

And another close friend of mine is going through surgery tomorrow. Hope everything goes well!!!

A rather heavy day and I hope tomorrow will be lighter!!!

Ps. I created yet another category, called DrPeppar where I will put blog-notes about myself.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on mars 26, 2003 8:16 EM.

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