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There are many strange things one can do around the Blog phenomenon.

Blogathon is an event for raising charity money by staying up and blogging for 24 hours straight on March 26: Last year they raised $50,000!

Another "strange" thing is Blogshares, the Fantasy Blog Shares Market. Blogs are valued by how many incoming links they have and when you sign up you get $500 of virtual money that you can spend on shares. I just found out about this today, but apparently my blog has been traded since day 1 (March 23 2003) and it is currently valued at $1,366.67 with a stock price of $50.79. My market share is 0.0004%. Complete strangers are trading stock in my blog. That is rather cool :-)

[Written while listening to: All The Things She Said - T.A.T.U. ]

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on juli 23, 2003 1:45 EM.

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