My day so far

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I woke up at 09:30 by the working people playing loud music. I stayed in bed and red a book but after 30 minutes I decided to sleep some more and I slept on and off until 12:30 when I decided that I had to get up. I got all the way to the sofa eating breakfast and watching a movie (Casino). Stayed there until 14.15 when I took a shower and headed down town for a date with my optician.

Downtown there was a market fair with all the normal garbage and I got back home around 17.00 and made some dinner. FInished the movie and cleaned the house a bit, watered all the plants. Followed by getting some expense reports done which I am heading down to the University right now to deliver.

Yet another fulfilling day ;-) The only really nice part was a long nice talk with Johanna, thanks :-)

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on juli 7, 2003 7:49 EM.

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