I just HAD to take a break. I am totally overheated. It's 29 degrees in the house...
I cycled down towards town with my bike cart, got as far as Porsön centre when I realized that I didn't have my wallet with me. Cycled back home and then down town. Got there at 11:48 and decided that I was eating out today. Baan Thai. Thai buffée. Yummy and after a while so full :-) Bought 40 roses, mixed colors for Johanna and 2 small salmons. Headed for Kvantum where I shopped some more, tons of food. Got home at 14.00, unpacked and rested until 15.00 when I started all the cooking. It is now 17:15 and the two brunch breads are down, the cheese cake in the oven for the second bake and the dough for the ciabatta and breadsticks is currently growing. I put fresh peaches into the sweet brunch bread. Looked very good but I haven't tried it yet. It is the kind that you cannot cut until you eat it the first time.
Sigh, I am tired and I now resting on the couch watching Femme Fatale.
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