My Day with the Family

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Today I have had a wonderful day with the family. We took a bike ride to Karlsvik where we had a picknick on the beach. The water was warm enough for Johanna to go for a swim and Tovah didn't want to get out of the water at all. The spot we found was just after the camping and fir the first hour we were completely alone (it was a bit cloudy before lunch) and the water was knee deep on me for about 100 meters from the shore. Perfect for just walking along in the water on the sandy sea bed. We ate our picknick food on the beach, sushi, fresh fruit and the last of the brunch bread I baked a couple of days ago. The weather was just perfect, not too much clouds and not too much sun. It was nice just to lie there and relax with J next to me.

On the way back we stopped at Storheden for some shopping and we actually managed to find some clothes for J at H&M. That happens very seldom. Food was bought at Överskottsbolaget and COOP Stormarknad and when got out the latter it was raining a bit and it looked like we had just missed a shower. When we were leaving the parking lot we met Magnus and Johanna and they looked soaked. It didn't rain at all on us on the way home. Lucky people.

At home it was dinner time. We made paprika soup and pancakes with whipped cream. It is Sunday, right?!! :=) After dinner Tovah wanted to bath some more outdoors so we filled up here smaller inflatable pool. J did some gardening when I played with T and around 19 we started a fire and prepared to burn some sausages. While waiting for the ember out friend the hedgehog came on a visit. He was heading up on the mountain but stopped for some crackers before tumbling along.

It is now 20.45 and J is putting T to sleep. I think I will try to get into bed right after J comes down as I am totally beat. I have been living alone for 1.5 months and having the rest of the family in the house drains my energy, in a positive way!!

All in all it has been a very nice day.

Tomorrow Jennifer is coming for a visit and we will see what happens then.

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This page contains a single entry by Peter Parnes published on augusti 3, 2003 8:51 EM.

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