My fiber to the home connectivity saga continues and here is a summary:
1) Last winter the computer support division at the University (DC) tells me that there isn't any problem in buying a VLAN solution via LuNet between my home and the University. Great. I order the fiber.
2) During the spring I get informed that this is no longer the case due to DC thinking it is to much hassle to take care of it. Instead I should order normal Internet connectivity via e.g. Tele2 and during or after the summer local peering will be arranged.
3) Last week I get my fiber and the I have to decide which ISP to choose and now DC tells me that it doesn't really matter as none of them have local peering and there are no immediate plans for local peering. Sigh.
Yes, I get upset with this. Solution 1 is technically simple to arrange as LuNet already have a switch inside the main switch room at the University. Why cannot service organizations be more service minded?
I know I am saying negative things about DC, but I feel that they disappoint their customers so often it is validated. And I have worked there as well so I know the inner workings, or actually the inner "non-workings".
Anyhow, good morning everybody.
I tried the Google's News Alert on a tip from and it seems to work OK. I tried Parnes, nanotech, marratech and Luleå. The latter didn't work though as it seems to look for "lule" instead and that matches some activities in Africa.
Today the Anticimex "terminator" is coming after lunch to kill off all our horse ants. Stay away from my house, you critters. Before lunch the family is taking a bike ride to Kvantum for some food shopping.
But before that we need breakfast. "Guggemux" and the. A salad consisting of tomato, cucumber, egg (loads) and sour cream ("gräddfil").
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