A vision: Tovah, the always present expert

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Just wanted to share a small vision about the future usage of e-meetings with you.

Tovah, the always present expert

Tovah is working on the nano-satellite project where she has a very specific expertise regarding the propulsion system, her expertise also means that she is working as an advisor on other projects and due to that she has to be always available. Tovah also has a great interested in what is happening in the various projects she is involved in. Tovah further feels that she wants to be very close to her work colleagues to get a feeling of presence.

Tovah works from several places, from her desk at her main office, loaned offices at the other projects, from home and while on the move (both on business trips but also when she is moving within the same city, between offices and to ad from her home).

Tovah is using the Marratech Ubiquitous Human Communication, UHC system to be in touch with his various groups. When Tovah is on the move, she will get information pushed to her mobile device. This information can be anything related to the projects she is working on, including presence information of her colleagues with live video sent from each participant.

The Marratech UHC includes general positioning and context awareness so when Tovah reaches her main office her desktop computer will automatically start displaying the same information she saw on her mobile device and start sending video to show her presence to her colleagues.

Anton needs to get in contact with Tovah to ask her a couple of questions and he simply sends her a private chat message asking if Tovah is available for a voice communication. First they exchange a few messages about what this is related to and Tovah agrees to the voice conversation and uses her desktop for the audio communication, but after a while she realizes that this is going to take some time and she has to drive her daughter to soccer practice. Tovah now transfers the conversation to her mobile device and continues the communication with Henrik actually not noticing any difference in the audio. In the car, Tovah's car mounted camera will start sending a video stream of her to Anton automatically when Tovah seats himself behind the wheel. The car mounted display will show the documents and drawings Anton showed Tovah earlier during the conversation and the audio will once again be moved to the audio system mounted in the car.

Using the Marratech Ubiquitous Human Communication, UHC for rich communication it allows Tovah to be instantaneously available independently of where she is located at the moment and it will make her mobile allowing her to work from anywhere she wants and by that give her a higher life quality.

What do think? Is this something you would feel was beneficial in the future?
[Listening to: Ravermeister vol.5 - Framic - Status-X - - (6:46)]

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