DrPeppar: maj 2004 Archives

I just watched the beheading of Nick Berg. Sigh..... I shouldn't have. I am stunned and I don't know what to say...

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"The best information environments will take advantage of the ability of IT to overcome geography but will also acknowledge that the highest bandwidth network of all is found between the water fountain and the coffee machine."
- Tom Davenport
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I am sitting here at the University listening to Kåre talk about Media Technology. He is very good and is much more interested in the undergraduate related issues than I am.

Last week the whole division went to Piteå for a 3 day retreat. It included many good discussions, bathing, a lot of beer and too little sleep. During some discussion the following popped into my head:

Sometime we forget where we come from. Why do we educate people into a dedicated role instead on giving them a knowledge base, i.e. giving our students a knowledge area to work with in the future?
Tuesday we spent at the Academic Music Center in Piteå where we among other things got a crash course in how to create a news program. I have a taped version of it and will make it available later. It was fun fun fun :)

Got back and had 1.5 hectic days including a presentation about E-Media on the net with the subtitle: "Do we need physical libraries". It was basically only library people listening, but it was a very very fun presentation to create and present. My conclusion is that physical libraries are no longer needed, but instead information meeting places are needed and the librarians will be replaced by information diggers.

After the presentation I was as always "over pepped" and I decided that I had worked enough that week and I threw a spontaneous BBQ party. SUMMER time. I was really nice just to kick back and relax.

During Saturday we started building the porch on the front of the house. We went and ordered all the timber we needed and it got delivered today. More later... Anyhow during the afternoon I started digging and moved all the old stone plates (about 1000KG of plates and the same amount of sand). The digging continued over Sunday.

A fun thing is all this digging and building makes me full of energy.

Today, all the timber arrived from Beijers and of course 10 minutes after it arrived it started raining so I had to "run" with it all into the garage. During the morning I was called into a interview with a major Swedish newspaper. It was of course done over the net and we will see if he prints anything. Today has been very hectic day and I haven't had much time to think and actually do anything.

Damn, the seats in the A117 room are bad. I have been sitting down 45 minutes and it already hurts. Is this what my students have to bear with ?

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Yesterday we cleaned out the garage and suddenly we can fit our bikes in there without having to use a shoehorn. We threw away tons of stuff. It was hard work but you feel so good afterwards. During the coming week is "odd garbage week", i.e. they come a fetch all the garbage you cannot throw away normally. The problem is that we have sooooo much garbage standing next to the street right now. We'll see if they take anything at all.

Today we started preparing for the new porch on the front side of the house. I removed about 1/3 of the stoneplates and then tore down the old porch. We left the small deck for now. It is fun causing mayhem with a chainsaw. Unfortunately it broke down when I was cutting all the big pieces into smaller ones. :( Need to get some spare parts (a tiny metal peace that holds the chain got bent.).

It is fun to tear down stuff!! :)

Tomorrow I am off for a three day division trip to Piteå for creative discussions, bathing, gocart and tons of good food!!! I might be online. We'll see....

Have fun, Hakuna Matata!

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