maj 21, 2008

Cycle Vision i Amsterdam

Press Release


Recumbent cycling event Cycle Vision at the Sloten Sportpark in Amsterdam

Cycle Vision, an internationally-renowned recumbent cycling event, will take place on the weekend of June 21 and 22, in and around the Velodrome at the Sloten Sportpark in Amsterdam.

The exhibits have never been so extensive, and there has never before been so much that is new to be seen. New brands and companies include Gforce, Terracycle, Steintrike, Sunrider, Tripod and Wheelsreinvented. The established brands Alligt, Challenge, M5, Nazca, Radical and Sirix are introducing new models. Ortlieb’s new line of recumbent panniers will have its world premiere. On the test track, everyone who is interested can experience recumbent cycling and try out various, often unusual, models. Races will be held in the Velodrome and on the outdoor track. For visitors who want to take it easy, there will be a variety of lectures.

Recumbent enthusiasts cycle in from all directions to this park near Amsterdam to ride in the races or to volunteer to help with the activities.

The Netherlands’ lead role in the recumbent world, both in numbers and in innovation, is apparent on the exhibit floor. International recumbent manufacturer exhibits occupying nearly 2000 square meters offer the public a sampling of new designs and gadgets, with attractive offers to be had.

Test track

In the test areas, visitors can try out recumbents for themselves and see whether it is true that, “a recumbent is very comfortable, and it is fast; you don’t suffer the pain in the back, wrists and neck that often accompanies riding a traditional bike; it’s not hard to ride a recumbent, and almost everyone is able to ride away within just a few minutes” . There are also recumbent demonstrations, and specialists provide information. Visitors can also become acquainted with other unusual cycles, such as trikes, rowing-bikes, back-to-back tandems, hand-cycles and velomobiles. Children can take part in a special children’s race, or activities in the Kids’ Corner. There is also a children’s test track.

Cycle Vision has existed in this form since 1997. In earlier years, the event took place at the Zandvoort auto race track and the RDW test-track in Lelystad. With last year’s move to Amsterdam, the sporting and racing component really came into its own, with the availability of a genuine cycling race course. There are even two racing programs running simultaneously.

The Sloten Sportpark and Velodrome are owned by the city of Amsterdam. The Velodrome is a unique location. It is one of two enclosed cycling racetracks in the Netherlands. The other is in Alkmaar. Entrance and parking are free during Cycle Vision!

More information and a complete program for Cycle Vision can be found at

Posted by Jan-Inge at 07:37 EM | Comments (0)

maj 05, 2008



För andra året i rad körs SM i enhjuling. Tävlingarna hålls i Stockholm 13–15 juni. Alla som cyklar enhjuling kan delta. Grenarna är bland annat sprint, freestyle, trial och enhjulingshockey. Cyklar du inte enhjuling är du välkommen som publik. Läs mer på hemsidan.

Posted by olaf at 04:47 EM | Comments (0)

maj 03, 2008

Öresund runt 08 rapport

Rådhuspladsen 1 maj 2008. Foto J-I

Bernt rapporterar på forumet och Jan-Inge har samlat ihop lite bilder.

Tack till alla som var med.

Posted by Jan-Inge at 05:13 EM | Comments (0)