Muni competitions Unicon XIV 2008 from muniman on Vimeo.
Världens bästa muniåkare cyklade den 2 augusti i Vånga norr om Kristianstad som en del av VM i enhjuling som i år hölls i Danmark. När det gäller downhill, uphill och north shore valde danskarna att bussa de tävlande till Sverige. Ont om berg i Københavnsområdet kan tänka.
Enhjulingstävling i Vännäs "VännäsCupen 2008"
VännäsCupen - ett tillfälle att träffas och ha roligt.
Tävlingarna är gjorda för att passa alla – från nybörjare till vana cyklister. Alla är välkomna.
20 Juli - 2008, Tid 14:00 , I Vännäs, parkeringen utanför Pingstkyrkan.
* EnhjulingsVM går av stapen 26/7-4/8 i Danmark mer info
* Se bilder från Enhjulings-SM2008
Peter Sandström
2-hjulig Leitra byggd av en tysk. Kommer inte ihåg vilken tidning jag skannat bilden från.
Dear friends of velomobiles,
Carl-Georg Rasmussen will organise the next Velomobile Seminar 2009 in
Copenhagen. You will find the call for papers below. If you have further questions, please contact Carl-Georg directly (
Best regards,
Joachim Fuchs
Invitation to submit papers to the
6th European Seminar on Velomobile Design, Copenhagen October 16.-17. 2009.
The series of Velomobile Design Seminars started in 1993 in Copenhagen. Through 15 years the seminars have been an important inspiration to the development of velomobiles for practical transport and sport.
The perspectives for velomobiles as an alternative, environmental friendly means of transportation are today more obvious than ever. In many situations a
velomobile can replace a car, offering cargo space, weather protection, better
aerodynamics and higher speed than an ordinary bicycle.
People need more physical exercise for health care reasons, to stay or to become fit, to improve quality of life. A velomobile is a comfortable and secure means to get training.
The velomobile doesn?t increase greenhouse-gas emissions, an issue, which has
gained increasing attention in the last 5 years. The United Nations (Conference
of Parties under UNFCCC) has called for the next Climate Conference in the
first week of December 2009. It will take place in the Bella Center in
Copenhagen. On this occasion, let us demonstrate the potential of velomobiles
for an environmental friendly lifestyle.
The Velomobile Design Seminars allows to discuss many subjects, such as social
acceptance of velomobiles, solutions for the infrastructure, technical
innovations and design and styling.
The seminar organization invites you to present your contributions to skills and
knowledge necessary for further development of velomobiles.
Send your abstract (max 500 words) to:
before October 31st, 2008.
The abstracts will be reviewed by the program committee:
Dr. Andreas Fuchs (Switzerland)
M.Sc. Frederik Van De Walle (Belgium/Sweden)
Dr. Stefan Gloger (Germany)
Dr. Carl Georg Rasmussen (Denmark)
You will be informed not later than December 31st, 2008, whether your proposal is accepted. If your abstract is accepted you will receive instruction for
Deadline for submission of final paper will be August 31th , 2009.
The proceedings of the 6th Velomobile Design Seminar will be published in
digital form only.
Film av Frederik Van De Walle
Hej alla,
Det var bara två liggcyklar som dök upp i Köping och tre liggister, men det var en lärorik och mycket trevlig dag ändå. Titta gärna in på galleriet jag gjorde så får du se att det var så:
Lasse har även lagt upp sina bilder på
Jag får även tacka Göran och Birgitta för ett trevligt möte hem hos dem i Eskilstuna efteråt.