The silver bullet argument is here..
Klimatändringarna sker snabbare än väntat, derför är det bra att se denna snutten från Utube:
Flevo bike tillverkas inte längre. Produktionen hos Ligfietsshop
Tempelman upphörde i november förra året. I en kommentar skriver firman:
(...) Although we still like the concept (- short chain, - front
wheel drive, - easily separable and so on), for many new
recumbent bike riders it is a too big step to decide to buy
one. Last years, the demand dropped to a level that is below
a commercial acceptable level. It became inevitable to
decide to stop professional production.
For the time being, Flevo riders don't have to worry that
they have to stop riding their Flevo prematurely because of
lack of replacement parts. The spring rubbers, brackets and
other specific Flevo parts are plenty available for the next
few years. Only the plastic trike luggage boxes are not
available anymore.
It was no easy decision to stop the Flevo production. Since
the beginning years, we are also Flevo riders. These wayward
models will always keep a special place in our hearts. It
would be very nice if continuation would be possible in some
or other way (d.i.y., workshops, hobby company or else). Of
course we want to cooperate with all our hearts.
Gerrit en Dineke
Tempelman Ligfietsen